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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ways of Connecting Mobile Phone To Your PC

You have several options of how you can connect your PC to your cell phone. Again all of the connection options depend on your phones capabilities.

Most phones allow you to connect via infrared to your PC. However, connecting with infrared to your computer does have drawbacks. You may need to buy extra equipment to be able to connect your mobile phone to your PC with infrared. Also the transfer speeds a very slow compared with many connecting technologies available on phones today. Infrared connectivity also does have its limitations. For example, you can not use your mobile as a web cam, as the speeds of infrared are too slow.

Ways of Connecting Mobile Phone To Your PC

Bluetooth is a faster technology than infrared. There are many advantages to Bluetooth that make it a good way to connect your cell phone to your computer. The first is that of the speed, next is the ease with which you can connect to your PC and start transferring files. The downside is that not all computers come equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. So, you may need to buy a device for your computer that enables Bluetooth on your PC. They are easy to find and the cost is very low, in most cases.

The de-facto choice of the person who wants connectivity with ease and offer many other benefits is via USB connectivity. All new computers come with USB, and most new phones offer USB connectivity, which is a match made in heaven! You can simply get a phone, which in most cases comes with the software to start using your PC with your mobile phone. You also get a USB cable with your phone, so from the get go, you can start connecting! Some phones may not have this option however. I have found many of the Sony Ericsson range of phones and other brands do give you all you need to start connecting your mobile phone to your PC.


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